fractured foot comics
fractured foot comics v1 is the first in our zine club monthly series!
💫 ✨ big feelings on the internet 💫⚡️
fractured foot comics v1 is the first in our zine club monthly series!
“Popularity is a double-edged sword.” – lowtax
I am finally talking about podcasts! This is the latest of several attempts to get back to blogging, and a good way to do that is by writing low-stakes posts full of my opinions! How long has this been sitting in drafts, you ask? ((should I have published this during October? Quite possibly!)) Don’t worry…
finally, a collection of our comix is available in print! this is a collab zine between yr friendly Monya Toma partners. it features panels from the past year about video games, bad brain stuff like anxiety, and meta work about the creative proces! bonus: cute illustrations. most of the contents have only been available to…
So we’re maybe at the part of Quarantine where things feel sorta “normal” again. Much of the public seems to be over the whole Deadly Contagious Virus thing. I get it. We’re human, we are anxious and bored and have national cabin fever. We are scrambling to fill the gaps in our lives. And in…
(or when u are forced to leave yr internet home because Nazis set it on fire) in the 20 or so years I’ve resided on the internet, I’ve had many home bases online. More places than I can really recall, that I customized, curated, and contributed through. AIM. A band’s web forum. Livejournal. Xanga. Facebook.…
I’ve been traversing around the internet for over two decades now, and I’ve never experienced anything quite like In an era of point-and-click web adventures and animated experiments, superbad is some weird hybrid of a game and a visual art portfolio.
One of the internet’s many facets of brilliance is how its given us access to music that was long unavailable due to format or interest. Ship to Shore Phono Co is a purveyor of records in that vein, mostly video game soundtracks and vintage movies. I’ve kept their store’s tab open lately because a lot…
We are already pretty big fans of polygon dot com, especially the delightful and beautifully hilarious Gill and Gilbert streams. so obvs I have to recommend this video, which features the delightful earworm that is the Wii theme thru a Nintendo Labo piano, made by by Brian David Gilbert! its been repeated (and imitated) approximately 300 times…